Blue gold signature series - hexa Copper, Brass and blue patina ©2014 Nayna Studios™
Blue patina colouring has truly become a passion with me, what began as an experiment to see whether I could even develop the actual colour has now become a signature series of my designs. Having created pendants, earrings, bracelets and cuffs I simply had to try out a blue patina ring. The only problem was to develop the blue patina, the metal has to be sealed in with the chemicals required inside an airtight plastic box, and everything inside gets the patina! Huge problem if you only want certain areas to be covered in the patina and the rest a gleaming shining gold!
Solution? patina only the ring top and rivet it to the nice shiny brass shank ! :) Although riveting seemed like a great idea the problem was I could not reach into the tiny space of a ring shank with my hammer so I had to use one of my repousse tools ( so glad my old college professor was not around, not sure if that is correct tool etiquette :P) Anyhow here is the first ring, I will post the rest of the designs in patina rings -part 2 :)