Friday, April 20, 2012

The original chain maille

As most of you might know, apart from enamelling, chain maille has been a passion, one that I discovered recently but am absouletly in love with! I had know about the history of chain maille in that it was first created and used to make strong weapon resistant armour for soldiers and had seen some examples of the same in mueseums, but mostly as extensions of helmets to protect the neck area. Imagine my surprise when I saw a complete body armour in a shop! 

About a couple of  days ago, I had visited Mumbai's oldest flea market Chor Bazar and stumbled upon this armour in a store display. Thank fully the store owner was kind enough to allow me to click a few pictures of the armour. Wouldn't it make for a stunning conversation piece? If you look closely there is also a head piece hanging in the foreground with pieces for the legs hung on the sides.

Here are two close ups with the chain maille pattern clearly visible, not these are double layered for added protection no doubt. Hat's off to the first artist to incorporate this beautiful work in jewellery !

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